Stables and School Halls
The COVID-19 crisis led us to launch our media project. Over the past few months, we have continued to produce more online assemblies for our YouTube channel.
The COVID-19 crisis led us to launch our media project. Over the past few months, we have continued to produce more online assemblies for our YouTube channel.
Hanna is our Church Partnership Youth Worker. Her role involves running the youth work for the South Cheltenham group of churches. Here she tells us how she has managed her groups throughout the pandemic.
After six years of reading glasses, I knew my eyesight wasn't right. It had deteriorated and I needed varifocals to correct my vision. Without new glasses, I would not be able to see how things really were. I think it is time for everyone to put on some glasses, as our eyesight is defective, and we need to see other people as they really are.
When a black person is usually spoken about on television or written about in the newspaper the headline is normally ‘Another young black person has lost their life.’ Or ‘Another young black person has been shot by the police.’ We read the headlines, we might read the article, then we move onto the next story. It’s removed from most people’s lives so it’s not spoken about for long enough.
The walls of our home have seen some cracking conversations with our kids, no questions are prohibited, my husband and I often exchange quick glances of 'You can answer that one', or 'where did that come from!' but we keep the dialogue open and if we don't know we try our best to find out.
I am inpatient and stubborn. Just ask my mum, she’ll tell you so, mainly because I take after her in that respect. In true form to my generation I want everything fast and I really struggle when I don’t know what happens next. I’m constantly planning ahead, obsessively so, and I always have a plan B “just in case”. I also have a rough plan C and the shadow of an idea for a plan D, you never know?