Soul Space

On the week beginning the 19th March Youth for Christ Gloucestershire paired up with the Tewkesbury schools team to deliver a week long project called Soul Space.  The week was designed to provide an opportunity for young people to have a space where they can discover God, prayer and space to reflect.

It began with an assembly focussing on the busyness of life and reflecting on how little we slow down and stop.  Alongside our assemblies we set up a room with a number of different prayer stations set up.  Some of the stations included:
• Making an imprint in sand to think about what imprint we leave on others
• Using sandpaper to erase the wrong things written in wood to focus on forgiveness
• Looking at yourself in the mirror and reading what God thinks of us
• Asking “what would it look like if Jesus lived here?”

The response from the week was very positive.  A lot of the teachers expressed how powerful and reflective it was for their class.  This was very encouraging for us.  There were a number of young people that had a lot of questions, and often dropped in at lunchtime to talk to the team.  It is very encouraging to see the impact that the week had on young people in the school.
