Walk together #thethree100

The Three 100

If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together. (African Proverb)

We have 1500 interactions with young people each month but we want to see 15,000 young people respond to Christ in our county. The Three 100 is part of our strategy to ensure the Gospel is taken to more young people.

We are looking to find 100 people willing to donate £3  per month. What can you buy with £3? A frappuccino, a Big Mac or an air freshener. It doesn’t seem to buy much, but it allows us, the Youth For Christ team, to reach one young person each month.  One young person who gets to hear the life changing message of Jesus. One young person who is given the opportunity to know the grace of God in a hurting world.  One young person given the chance to hear the Gospel and respond to Christ.

You may feel £3 is not enough and would like to donate more. Your donation would be gratefully received and would enable us to keep reaching out to this generation of young people.

To sign up please download and complete the form and we will contact you. Download form

Give by text

To make a one off donation by text:
Text YOUTH 3 to 70490 to donate £3 (You can change the number up to a maximum of £20 by changing the number e.g. Youth 20 would be a £20 donation.)

Texts cost £3 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £3 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text YOUTHNOINFO 3 to 70490.

To make a regular monthly donation via text:
Text YFCGLOS 3 to 70085 to donate £3 a month

Texts cost £3 plus two standard rate messages and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £3 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text YFCGLOSNOINFO 3 to 70085.

If you wish to donate more than £3 per month simply change the number after YFCGLOS to the amount you e.g. YFCGLOS 10 to donate £10 per month.